General Forums > Metal Bombardiers
51 R18 Rebuild
the old trucker:
I have to agree with you KPM. She's definitely looking 100% better already...
Well, parts for the steering and brake never showed up, so I spent my time re-skinning the doors. I only had 18ga sheet to work with, so after I cut the pannels out about 1/2" wider on the straight to about 1/4" wider on the curves, I bent the straight parts to a 90 deg in my brake. I used a ball peen hammer to fold the sheet over the angle frame. The last door only took about 1 hr. I went on a lot better than I had anticipated.
very nice job..
This weekend I reskinned the cargo door, install the hydraullic cylinders for the power steering, fabricated the brake peddle set up and installed. and installed the rotor and caliper setup. The brake peddle and master cylinder were salvage from on old electric fork lift.
These are the cylinders for the steering
This is the hand pump I'm using to control the hydraullic fluid.
It is salvage from an old Massy combine
I have to apologise for the poor pictures, I need to get a new camera.
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