General Forums > Metal Bombardiers
51 R18 Rebuild
chains first..and the best way to go....bars were tried,even on the front of the old woodens,they are too rigid..chains are the way to go.
the old trucker:
Thanks for the reply KPM. I would think that when Paul gets to that stage in his (Paul's 54 restore) He'll go with the chain.
well he certainly has not jury rigged anything else,so i'm sure he will.
Did you find that one brand of stripper is better than another. (I just started to stip my 56? I don't know the exact year since the tag is gone) The stripper I have says aircraft stripper and smells amonia based. There seems to be 5 distinctive colors. Parts come off real easy however some of it is really attached.Any suggestions
I just used Circa 1850 Furniture Stripper just because it was available locally. I had to apply it 3 to 4 times over the same area to remove the paint. It seems to only remove about 1 layer at a time, maybe because each layer was fairly thick. I used about 2 1/2 gallons altogether and about a days labour. Cost was about 30.00/gal. It should make my paint job look a lot better, as I prefer to put the paint drips in myself , and not use the previous painters' drips. :D
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