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Pics for OT

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I know you like pics.  I found this.

the old trucker:

   Thanks alot  dpaulson !! :o 8) I have it put in my favourites. Really great find.



the old trucker:
  In the clip on the right, the one with 145 pics in it, look at # 46. Looks like they have some kind of bracket bolted to the sprocket so they can put some sort of accessory on it. I wonder what it could be ?? Something to help get them unstuck ??  
  I can't get the pic to go to my photo bucket. Guess I have something screwed up... AGAIN !!

                                                                                                           OT's getting puzzled.

  Just remembered how to add the pic.

Looking at the pictures, there is a difference in the engine doors.  It looks like the wooden ones open from the front whereas the metal ones open from the rear.   keep that in mind when you get to that point.

hi guys yes u are right for the doors the other picture is a kind of a winch that they used did not see it in operation by the way the person u see thruw the round window is guy pepin from the museem .now u guys can put a picture on the face when u email for info very nice person .all the best marc


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