General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

hydraulic drum breaks on each sprocket


Saw a old bomber with break hubs and breaks on each side. Sprockets bolt on same as rear wheels on my truck. Two hand levers one on each side of the drivers seat in an old wide woodie that needs alot of wood & mechanical. Was a post office delivery once upon a time. Could I get any more info? Heard there was only 6 of them made like that. Know for sure it's the only wide gage I've seen with the front breaks. Still has the original breaks on the tranny. Flat head 6 with standard.   

My 1951 operators manual lists hydraulic turning brakes as an option on the wide gauge only.  No other info but that option sure would come in handy at trying to manuever on a concrete floor.

the old trucker:

   Here is a narrow gauge bought down here this spring. It has the brakes on the axles. I don't know if it is stock or not.

they are a rare find indeed!....the one you looked at is actually very was stored inside until a tree fell on the garage crushing the roof...and ceiling  of the woodie......the motor is brand new factory flat head ..o miles.....the new owner..has revamped the undercarriage with all new bushings seals bearings,and boogie springs,,,new tires also...he is very talanted when the carpenter gets finished with the wood work.....i'm sure it will be just a matter of time before this historic machine is up and running...
 it was a shame the previous owners kept stripping the old wooden to keep there other wides operational....though understandable when your running a fishing business.

well I  was allowed to fire up the old postal delivery,and must say I was very impressed with the more or less finished project(just a few little cosmetics left) sure sounds real good!!...I even run it a few feet in both directions on the driveway...
  Another vintage machine brought back to life!!!!!....congrats to you...again...Pete.


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