General Forums > Metal Bombardiers


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KPM, Before you install the Ford, check out Steyr Diesel Motors. They have a sweet six pack just made for a narrow. Stateside and with the Can.$ would it would be a steal.

kpm:'s gong to be the's just all been rebuilt,as well as transmission(c6)and 1 ton diff...I should be getting around 180hp...I personally dislike the diesel in a bombardier

I've got the same feeling about the Ford that I have, living with it  for now.

What are you using for a fan on this Ford 300 engine.

We could not seem to fine just the right fan when we did our rebuild which may be causing us some problems.
Any comments on the best fan would be welcome. I wonder if any one is running a fan shroud on the narrow guage machines. The say the performance of the fan is optimized by using a shroud.


the old trucker:

  Cletis with the original fan working right do you usually get a lot of snow build up, outside around the rad ?? I was talking to a couple of people & they sorta think with all the snow flying around there it cuts down on the performance of the rad.
  A J5 has the engine enclosed & has a fan that blows air out through the rad. I wonder if that would work here ??  Wouldn't that keep the engine temp down & help any?? Just a thought...



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