General Forums > Metal Bombardiers


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       i'm using a 5 blade flex blade fan,use of a shroud does optimze cooling...

The 6 core rads we talked about would fit right in and the extra thickness is not toward the fan, but to the rear which might be a problem with the 300 set up.

Cletus, Find, look for the 4600 series fan/20" to 24". Lots of pitch and comes with multiple bolt patterns. I'm using this model on my 300ci ford six, works well. An option to consider. Interlake Auto (Bruce) in Arborg, Mb. did the leg work for me. Good luck. D.O.


Thanks for the lead on the fan.
I looked up the Flex-a-lite Model you indicated and it looks like something one should use. Do you use any kind of shroud on your machine. Cranman pointed out that we should look at going to a 6 core radiator. Once we pull our failed engine it will give us a chance to measure things up to fit in these 2 items.
Thank you for the help.


Cletus,  I use a six core rad without the shroud, I think it would make a big difference to include it. KPM might have more experience though.   
A nifty cooling retrofit at home here has a marine background. The keel cooler concept under boats has been copied on a Narrow Gauge with the 300ci Ford Six.   
With the original radiator in place, a splice was created and 3/16's boxed steel used. With a return loop, it is mounted underneath along the drivers side with cooling fins attached.
The 13 litre capacity became 28 litres and runs a 195 thermostat.  Works sweet!   There are probably many applications to the idea, adding coolant capacity under load is the ticket every time. 
This unit is away currently at work and will be nearby this March.  I can provide a phone # if you like and will post pictures when it returns.



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