General Forums > Metal Bombardiers


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the old trucker:

  Update from the honorable KPM...

well Claude
                  the master clyinder is in place,shroud is built...the ceiling is insulated and polyed,so work on the inside is under way.Still LOTS to do...though it is coming together nice!!....hope to take her to the rally..

the old trucker:

 Kyle what did you use for insulation ? Some sort of spray on type  ???    OT.

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: kpm on January 25, 2011, 07:52:59 pm ---well the diff has been rebuilt,and put back in as well as the motor and tranny.Gary fabricated an exhaust and heat keep direct heat away from the starter.New motor and tranny mounts were also made,as well asmetal covers for the sides of the diff,and a lift out slide plate for starter acess.

--- End quote ---

  KPM when you rebuilt your diff can you tell me what parts you needed & what place you got them ? I need what they call a nest kit. (spider gears) for mine. Also Glen's newbuild needs the same thing. My diff is smaller than Glen's.
 Here is mine.

Here is Glen's.

..i used strofoam 1''...and foam insulation to seal it in... diff is a 1 ton ...newer dodge.....and I bought my parts from piston and ring in wpg. mb...
.....grfishmaker bought a new factory diff from me for a narrow...i'm not sure he would want to he has 2 narrows of this own...and 2 wides for the record..

the old trucker:

     Would you have a phone ### for those guys ??      OT.


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