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Happy New Years
lol..well i 've never taken one out through the side yet, will have to come out the back.put new u=joints too...or trailor it over have the other one to use now.
thanks for the info and the offer. We pulled the heads and as we suspected, the head gasket was shot. Apparently whomever rebuild this before we got it, never torqued the head bolts. Some were finger tight??? So the heads are out and off to get planed, and may as well redo valves and seats at the same time. Should be running hopefully in a couple of days.
...make sure to change oil and filter..bearings dont care for antifreeze
ya most definitely....thanks...hopefully the bearings will be ok....I know I had that concern and heck with my luck, you know what will happen...put the heads back on get it running and spin abottom bearing LOL...
Well - we finally found the issue with the engine. We popped one head to check and found a blown head gasket. So took off the other head to inspect and found a cracked head. Had lots of fun trying to find a 302 head. Finally found one that would match and rebuildt them both. Installed new push rods while we were at it, new plusg, wires, coil, rbuilt the carb and installed electronic ignition. Walls look good and rings seemed fine. Went for a spin and wow nice to have 8 cylinders firing now!! Seems to have lots of power now. So we are back on the trails
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