General Forums > General Discussion
Happy New Years
I still have the 251 6banger in my woody, it works quite hard and is very thirsty, when breaking a new trail. I would really like to put a Vortec small Chevy with the injection on it, but I hate to modify the mine that much right now.
the old trucker:
Here's a Chevy V6 (1996) that Glen (Glen's 59 new build) is using for a pattern in his build. He has clearance all around. Only problem he thinks is he'll have to make headers pointing up & back. The stock ones spread out too much.
hy guys try slidders work great dont need as much power breaking trail
Hi Marc
What type of slide suspension work the best? I've seen with either the center 2 wheels replaced, or the front 3 wheels replaced.
in my books 3 wheel work the best we know that the solid one works great the semi articulated one should work as good but a little better ride
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