General Forums > General Discussion
Hi Bluetoque
You stated once that you dropped a bomber though the ice and SGI retrieved it. What kind of licence/insurance did you have? Do you still carry insurance?
SGI would plate them under a catigory called industrial tracked vehicles.That would give you liability insurance as well as collision insurance etc.etc. the same as we would have on our passenger cars or trucks. I went in yesterday to renew my plates and was told that these machines can no longer be plated.They now are classed as an ATV which here in Sask are not required to be licenced. I got a contact number of a fellow at SGI who was responsible for this change but has not returned my call.Dropping it into a lake is one thing but backing over someone or getting T boned when crossing a public roadway would be another.
Thanks Randy. Can they be registered as a snowmobile? At least then there would be liability insurance. Please reply back if you get any information.
I will do that if I here back from SGI.
hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm renewed my '48 this Fall as a Bombardier Snowmobile Industrial Track Machine through S.G.I. with no problems or letters yet but I have heard of one local gentlemen having his Ins. cancelled not sure of what reason though..will keep u posted.
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