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Moosomin Museum sno Plane meet


Well in Moosomin today they had a sno plane meet at Maple Farm Equipment.   The Local museum put on the event.   There were 9 snow planes in total from all over including one from Norht Dakota.    The purppose was to show people the planes plus give them a chance to go for a ride in them.   I took my bombardier and as well there D Evans from Regina showed up with his wide gauge.    I know in my bomb we took over 100 people for a ride.   They were yound and old with many of the more mature generation remebering how they had gone to school in one of these once upon a time.    The weather was great and the day was very good.   Hats off to the museum for organizing a very good event.    Watch local TV and read local media as the event was covered by a host of media.   


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