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Looking for an old track
Hi was just wondering if someone had an old B-12 track on hand (something finished, no good) but was still complet with the cross cleets. How much would it cost for a new track???. The reason I am asking is because I have one of my neighbours that worked all his life on repairing and rebuilding snow cats and he was saying that with an old one he could make me new tracks by copying of the old one thanks. Also how much$$ for that old track thanks.
the old trucker:
What happened to the old ones that were on it ? You can call Shaver in Stonewall, MB. He makes lots of parts for these machines. I think he sells the belting & cleats separate or ready to install complete. I'm not sure of the price. One of the members should have his Phone number....
Thanks OT for the info on the old tracks. I dont have one yet still dreaming on finding that deal. Got a few good leads on old machines, special thanks to rattleman. will have to see what happens next. I will let you guys know!
Would anyone have the phone # for this shaver guy in stonewall MB. that OT was talking about. it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
the old trucker:
Shaver & Sons Enterprises
Stonewall, MB.
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