Author Topic: Determining Year of Bombardier and Brand an part numbers for Points, condenser,  (Read 10647 times)

Offline CranPortagers

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I purchased a wide guage with a flat head six cylinder engine in December 2005.  The serial # tag was not on the machine.  I am wondering if anyone could help with determining the year of the Bombardier?  I am thinking it may be 56, 57,58 or an outside chance a 59.  Someone has confirmed the machine is likely from somewhere in those years.

Some details to help determine the year are as follows:

1)  Maroon color;  it is the original color.  Have been told that Maroon was the standard color and blue was an option for models of this era.

2)  There was a second pedal to the right of and similar to the gas pedal.  This pedal was connected to a rod going to the rear of the Bombardier.  I have since cut this pedal out.  It was suggested to me that this rod was used to engage the starter motor of this model year.

3)  The Heater location seems different than what someone said the location was for a Narrow gauge 1958 or likely 1959 model C-60 12 passenger model.  The heater in my machine is further to the front just back of the steering arm.  There is a medal covering plate that covers the heater and steering arm.

Secondly, would anyone know the Brand and part numbers for the Points, condenser, Rotar and Distributor Cap for the Flathead 6 cyl (251 ????) engine that has been converted to a 12 volt.

Thank you to all for your consideration and help.


Perry Rod
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 02:07:47 pm by CranPortagers »

Offline Averyman

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Points & Condenser for 251 flathead Chrysler.  I found these at NAPA in Brandon.  Condenser Part # AL868, Points # CS723A, Fuel Pump #588, Carb kit # 2-5066A

Offline Cranman

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Hello Perry. Glad to see you are following the Rod/bombardier tradition. Were you born in one??? I think your machine may be a 1952 or 3, which were the first metal ones. My early 1953 has the heater up where yours is too. Do you have wood on the interior of your doors and freight door? Are your sprockets made of aluminum or cast iron with rubber lagging for the cleats to run on or does it have the full rubber sprockets? With this info Ted P will be able to age it pretty accurately. That maroon color was really something to see when the machines first came out. It was pretty rare. I've only seen one original that the commercial fishermen had at Cormorant years ago. It had been a school bus prior to that and was spotless. 
   I posted some of the tune up part #'s I had on another post in here on changing over from 6 to 12 Volts.     Bob Huck at C.P.

Offline CranPortagers

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Hello Bob.

Thank you for your reply.  I don't believe I was born in a Bombardier but I think I was riding in one before I was one year old.

Thanks again and looking forward to communicating.  Dad dosenst have email so if you have a msg I will [pass it on .  My personal email is

Thank you.



Offline Averyman

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Further to my post above about points...
Early 50's machines with 251 Chrysler and IGS series Distributors take NAPA  CS719A points.
Mid 50's machines with IBT series distributors take NAPA  CS723A points.

Apparently both sets look similar but there is a slight difference in the mounting holes, so you have to get the Distributor model before ordering.  Clarence