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Bombardier Rally

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Best wishes to all attending the rally this weekend.  Have fun with no mechanical problems!  Medical problems prevent me from attending this year but I sure look forward to seeing you all next year.    Looking forward to posts and pictures when it is over....
Regards, Clarence

Swamp Dawg:
It turned out to be a great rally.  About 20 machine came out, only one break down.  One guy broke 7 cleats in a row so he left his machine out on the lake.  Weather was hot, +5 snow was really deep and sticky, so the bombardiers had had a real work out.

Pictures to come soon.  And video as well.

Congratulations on a great rally... Just curious, did the guys cleats actually break or did they tear out of the belts?  (just something to store away in the info bank for the future)   How does one retrieve a stranded machine?  My guess is that the track has to be fixed or replaced on site. Right?     Or, can some sort of a sled be placed under the disabled side and the whole thing towed?      Clarence

Swamp Dawg:
The cleats actually broke, fairly common problem.  Nothing to serious just bring out new ones and replace it. 

Thanks, good to know, I'll throw a few spares and bolts in the parts box...   Clarence


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