Performance Forums > V8 Engines

EFI engine

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I am considering on converting my 300 to EFI, I dont think it would be to hard to do.

the old trucker:

  Ya know Gror it was only yesterday while I was looking around the net when I thought about Swamp Dwag. I think he was asking something about different manifolds for more power. Well I looked it up & found out that you could put a 2 barrel carb on the original manifold with a bit of machining. It also talked about changing a carbed 300 to a EFI 300. I'll have another look to see if I can find it again & post it here. It's good to hear from you again.

                                                           One old trucker trying to get back at it.......

the old trucker:
 Gror check this out. Here is a site that might help, 1967 to 1996 ford.

   I googled this  ( convert 300 carbed ford to 300 EFI ) & came up with this... › Ford › Ford 67-96 F-Series, 78-96 Bronco

  Let me know if it don't work.    OT.


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