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the old trucker:

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Hello Everyone
I'm new to the B(R) 12 world. My name is Jon, I'm in Maine and just became the proud owner of the R-12 pictured. It came from New Brunswick. It was owned by an old woodsman up there. My Mother in law lived near him and they became friends. She helped take care of him in his declining years(his family wasn't around). He wanted to give her something for all the help and the R12 was what he gave her. She rode in it 6 or 7 years ago but its been sitting ever since.
We had some trouble getting it down here as I'm 300 miles from where it was but we finally found a guy to trailer it down. Now its sitting outside my shop in Maine. Its fairly whole but its been hacked by a guy who had little money and little access to parts living in Rural New Brunswick. I'm missing the generator and it looks like the crank pulley is bent. It does turn over but starter motor turns over all the time the key is on. It will engage when pedal is pushed and motor spins. I'm going to convert it to 12v and I hope I have the right Pertronix kit to eliminate points and condenser. I've used Pertronix in other antique motor vehicles and I like it.
 Radiator has been hit by fan, can't tell if it leaks or not.  Gas Tank smells awful, full of varnish, fuel pump is gone, replace by electric, I want to go back to mechanical pump. Need to find part #.?

All 8 idler tires are rough, they hold air but severely weather checked. The front cogs are covered by rubber that is bolted on, the rubber needs to be replaced. Need to find out where I can get that. I think the track is ok?

Lots of work ahead. Not planning on a full restoration but want to get it running. I'll have lots of questions as time goes on. I hope I can generate some traffic on here. B12 are unique vehicles, most folks around here have never seen or heard of one.

Thanks  Jon


Where abouts in Maine are you.


Bucksport, I hear you are in Maine also.

Got a Reply from Prinoth, there salesman wants to buy my R12 :D. They have the tires for the track but don't know costs yet. Next week I'm going to order up a carb kit, 12v 1 wire alternator, just ordered a 5/8 pulley for said alternator. Need plugs and wires also. Fuel pump also. My buddy owns a NAPA so I'm pretty sure all the stuff is available within  few days


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