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the old trucker:

    Clyde I could get the measurements for you but I was thinking it might be better if Dan Shavers or someone gave them to you. There is a curved section that I don't know how to measure. You could give Dan Shavers a call & order one. That way you could get a better feel for fitment around the rim. They might be 2-3 dollars. I think he manufactures them. I hope this helps. His address is: 
                          Shaver & Sons Enterprises   
                          75054 Sturgeon Rd,
                          Stonewall, MB R0C 2Z0
                          Phone- 204-467-2605
                          Fax # -
                          Email -

                          Complete Parts & Manufacturing
                          for Bombardier Snow Bus
                          Service and Repairs

the old trucker:

   Clyde here's a part of a email I got last night. I highlighted his question...He & others await your thoughts on it.

Looks like the engineer reinvented the wheel without looking at the bombardier. This can be corrected I'm sure.. The issue I'm most interested in is what the rim will be like when in slush conditions. It "might" collect more ice/snow then the smooth style. The excluder picture you posted was like the O.J. Simpson trial when the glove didn't fit. He gets it now.

                                                                          This is not OJ... but.... OT.                                 


Good Idea.  I met with Dan last week in Stonewall.  I will order one. 

In answer to the slush question; The only surface that could have a build up would be the horizontal or flat surfaces.  The Bombardier wheel actually has a larger flat surface than the aluminum wheel.  The webbing between gussets prevents the bridge build up of ice.  LMC used similar wheels for many years with no ice build up problems.  One other factor is that these wheels do not run cold.  There is enough heat generated to keep the ice from building up. 

By the way the webbing between the Gussets is 3/8 inch thick and at the gusset (spoke) it is 5/8 inch thick. 

the old trucker:

   Just curious, how much difference in material & weight would it be to make an original bomber rim from aluminum ?? Are these rims turned from 1 solid piece of aluminum ??

Good to see some action on here.

I've gotten most of the parts needed to get my motor up and running. Still need fuel pump which is on order. Also need 1 wire alternator. Next week is supposed to be brutally cold, below 0 every night so no work going to get done unless I decide to take carb off, maybe take tank out so I can clean it out. God that varnish stinks.

Think I'm going to wire the motor up temporarily with a toggle switch. still need to figure out starter motor.

The starter shouldn't run until I step on pedal, correct? As soon as key turns on (starter)motor starts to spin, push peddle all the way and motor turns over. I can't understand why motor(starter) spins once key is on.


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