General Forums > Trail Talk
First ride of the season
After we got a good amount of snow to play in, we took the woody out last night.We are going out this afternoon too will get picture soon. Sure is nice having the old girl out again.
Well I finally got the old girl stuck. I was driving in a road ditch with about 8 feet of snow. We stopped and when I went to take off again started spinning and was high centered on the belly. Good thing I was close to the road, my loader tractor had no problem getting me out. When the snow is a little sticky I will make sure to back up first. Atleast I did not have to shovel. I loaded some videos on youtube. How do I post a link to it? My name one you tube is jgunn427.
the old trucker:
I typed in jgunn427 on youtube & got the link this way.
That's 3, are their more ??
Thank you OT, I am going to load more soon.
Today we went for a drive, I was pulling the kids on the snowboard and sled. The had a lot of fun till they had to help dig out for the third time in one day. I have found that this year the snow we have is all powder. I am used to having the hard wind blown snow. The last time we had to use the tractor to get it out, digging 48 inches of snow is a pain in the arse.
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