Wired Forums > General Electrical
Starter conversion
I'm wanting to convert an old bug I have with a 251 flathead from 6v to 12v which is easily done. I plan to leave the 6volt starter in place but want to get rid of the mechanical start(foot pedal) and convert to key start. Can I adapt a solinoid to existing 6volt starter etc..... anyone done this or do I have to try find a 12 v starter with solinoid etc that would bolt up?
The 6 volt starter works great on 12 volt Randy, maybe even better . Just send 12 volts over to it from a 12 volt solenoid activated at your key switcn.
Don't forget to switch the wires at the distributor around because the 6 volt is positive ground. I posted the full procedure on here a few years ago.
Yes I am going to follow your post from earlier. However I'm unclear how a solinoid will work as the lever on the starter motor engages the starter drive manually about the time it hits the button on the starter to engage starter motor? I would like to stay with 6 volt starter if able.
It is so long ago I don't recall exactly but I think there is 2 cap screws holding the old foot start that you have to takeoff to expose the main terminal. My solenoid is on the firewall just above it. My spare is 12 volt from Combine World in Saskatoon $75.00 Maybe Averman will come on as he has converted his 1948 recently.
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