General Forums > Metal Bombardiers
My 1952 R-12 build, lots of questions for guys who have been there, done that
I have thread in the general discussion area, thought I'd start one in here. Got a 1952 R-12, came from New Brunswick, where my Mom in law has a camp on the Upsalquitch River. Great area BTW. Its been sitting a long time but was registered in 2004. Its been back yarded to keep it running, the guy who owned it had no money and lived 30 miles or so from the nearest parts store, so get it going the best you can. Anyway, I have it running but have some questions. I assumed there would be an access hole in the belly pan for changing the oil, don't see one, is it on the side?, Do you vac the oil out? I doubt that.
Skis, took them off so I could put the tires on, looks like rotten wood under a flat plate and then the skag sits on the flat plate, anyone have a pic of what it looks like when correct. I have some red Oak I can use but what size is it?
I just ordered the windshield rubber as this one is held in by nothing at this point. Shavers is sending it to me UPS aong with a current price list of stuff they stock. I need to recover the front sprockets so I'm sure I'll be ordering some more stuff from Shavers.
Video after alternator was installed
Any help would be greatly appreciated
the old trucker:
Just put this pic here to show folks what you started with.. It's going to be a long ungoing process, but I'm sure you can do it...
the old trucker:
I think there is a hole located in the floor pan that was used by the 251. It should be right under the oil drain plug. If you look up wooden bombardiers & go to "VARNISHED MACHINE" , reply # 11, third pic down, you'll see it.
--- Quote from: the old trucker on April 12, 2013, 05:02:28 am ---
I think there is a hole located in the floor pan that was used by the 251. It should be right under the oil drain plug. If you look up wooden bombardiers & go to "VARNISHED MACHINE" , reply # 11, third pic down, you'll see it.
--- End quote ---
Maybe I didn't look close enough, need to get oil and filter changed today, supposed to snow tonight, if I get track on left side tighter maybe I'll have some pics of it out in the snow tomorrow ;D
I can't find any access hole for the drain plug, there is one for the tranny and someone torched one in for the rear end but nothing for the engine. Can't understand that. Where is the drain on the oil pan? I can see the oil pan sump but can't feel anything with my hand as the belly pan and oil pan are pretty close together. Is it in the middle of the sump, on the front end or back end, I'll cut a hole if I know where it is? Probably put a drill bit right thru the oil pan ;D
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