General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
Houlio's Pictures
When you and your dad did the rebuild, did you use the two different size chains on the back suspension like it shows in diagramm in your old manual? (Five link/seven link, five link/seven link series) I notice that the chains that Dan Shaver makes up are three link, but they equal the old five link chains due to the larger chain size he uses. I found one old seven link chain (still had the original bombardier tag on it) as well as two of the old flat bar style links in our old shed and they are the same size; bolt eye to bolt eye. I believe that the two different sizes were found only on the older machines. (I may be wrong).
The reason I'm asking, is that the old 47-48 narrow gauge I purchased sits very low on the back end and upon inspection, I found that it has some three link, some five link, some six link and one old seven link chan on it.
I will be redoing the suspension next fall and was curious as to what you guys did. Also, I think your machine has four chain links on the front; not like the five shown in the manual. Did you use a larger size chain there, or is there allot of forgivness on the link length of the chains used?
Thanks Houlio.
To the best of my knowledge these are all still the original chains (I may be wrong) but we never replaced these parts. My Dad didn't remember Grandpa changing them either unless it was done in the early 1950's. I have one closer picture of the suspension on my hard drive that I will email Swamp Dawg and ask him to post for me. We are going for one last ride this weekend, I will see if I can get some better pictures for you.
Thanks Houlio, and by the way, nice job on your machine. Looks super and well done.
Swamp Dawg:
New picture added of ski arm for houlio on first page.
the old trucker:
--- Quote from: houlio on April 09, 2007, 11:50:15 am ---Does anyone have suggestions or comments about getting a Bombardier appraised or insured? I spoke with the local small town insurance firm and they weren't sure where to start.
--- End quote ---
Houlio did you ever get an appraisal done on your machine ? I was wondering if you thought about asking one of our new members ( Bombardier) if he could help in any way.
You know that he lives close to the birth place of your machine!!! He may know of someone that can help in that area.
Maybe Bombardier themselves might be interested in seeing pics of the machine, I'm sure they would. Just a thought !!! By the way Houlio I've built a dozen bombardiers just like yours already !!! In my dreams, that is !!
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