General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Houlio's Pictures

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Hi there OT,
I never did find a good source for appraising these units.  I did use the information Gror provided regarding putting plates on the Bug.

the old trucker:
  Don't be surprised if you find someone from Quebec come knocking on your door wanting to look @ your old bomber!!! Ha Ha Ha

the old trucker:
  Houlio I think if you were to contact someone with Bombardier in Quebec, letting them know exactly what you have for a machine, that they would be very interested to talk to you.
  It has the original motor,tires,trans,rad. I think that's what they call a ###'s matching unit. All original.
I think it's a very rare unit. I would have it checked out !! 
  Think about it, how many more are around like yours ? Even Cam's unit is beautiful, but it's not original like yours. 

    Just my 2 cents worth.

Hey there OT - Do you know some one in specific that would be inteested in appraising these units? 

By the way I found someone that could read the date codes on the tires.  The tires on our unit are from 1945.

the old trucker:
  Houlio, my friend, check out the emails I sent to you on Nov.25/08 @ 07;25 & 10;37 pm. Also check the one I sent you on Nov. 20, @6;56 pm. Bombardier, on here, says he can help with your appraisal. I have his Email & phone # here if you need it. 
  If I can help anymore, you know how to get me. I can send those emails to you again if you need.

PS;;  Did you see those dvd's yet ???   What did you think ??   


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