General Forums > Metal Bombardiers

Power Steering for R Models

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Hello, Is there a simple way to install power steering. New vehicles are using an electric units verses the hyd version. My 63 is in for body work finally so the end is in sight! (I hope) Now is the time to install PS if I have to open up the front end.

Old blue:
 I have the drawings for  hydraulic power steering and all the part numbers and information you need if you wish them please email me at .

Hello Old Blue,
I just flipped you an E Mail. Thank you so much for your help!

I installed the power steering as per 'Old Blues' drawings and it works very well. If I was to do it again I would install larger 'love joy' connectors. Mine are smaller in diameter than another fellows that has the same install. The rubbers on mine pound out whereas his never have.  Just sayin.....

Posting some pictures of the install would be great, thanks. Merry Christmas to all at N.T.


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