General Forums > Metal Bombardiers
Swamp Dawgs 52 Buildup Progress
Swamp Dawg:
Tore the front all apart now, one thing seems to lead into another.
the old trucker:
swamp dwag, do you have or can you get a few more pics of the front end? especially around the steering box and how everything ties in. also a couple of close ups of how the drive sprockets fit in place. that chassis don't seem to be much trouble to build. 3" channel for frame rails and 2 - 2 1/2" tubing for cross members. the more i look at pics the easier it seems to build. i am very interested in restoring a wooden bodied model. that's why i'm interested in the undercarriage. do anybody think the end of an axle can be cut and rewelded?? also cut down the banjo housing??? all close up pics of this area would be just great. like father always said; IF YA CAN'T FIND IT , BUILD YOUR OWN. !!!!!!!! thanks claude
Swamp Dawg:
This is where we are at on the front end. You can see the steering assembly tucked up at the front. Its a very basic rack and pinion. Which you can buy from Shaver's.
the old trucker:
thank you sir the pics are just great.
Swamp Dawg:
Houlio has a picture of the old style Rack steering. Click here to look at it.
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