Author Topic: Found a few projects!  (Read 10933 times)

Offline groomerguyNWO

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Found a few projects!
« on: April 27, 2007, 07:16:19 pm »
For anyone interested in a Narrow gauge restoration project or two, I have found 4 machines located in Beardmore, Ontario.(that's a small town an hours drive from where I live)  I looked them over real quick(sorry, forgot my camera!) and heres the scoop:

One is a wooden body that's basically rotted out.  There were no tracks, idlers, sprockets, engine, from what I could see.  Looked like it was stripped years ago and left to rot.

There are two steel bodies with tracks, sprockets, idlers etc... that need work.  They were missing the doors, rear engine cover and side covers.  The engines in each were basically one big block of rust.

Last, there was a steel body with no tracks, sprockets, or idlers.

It looked to me as if years ago, two of them had been stripped to keep the other two running.  I remember those machines sitting there when I was a kid so they've been there a while.  I could possibly do a bit of research and find out who owns them, if they would sell/give etc... if anyone is interested. They're in a town of less then 500 people and I have a few contacts there so it wouldn't take much to find out.
operate a Lamtrac and a BR160 trail groomer
Looking for my own cat sometime in the not to distant future for personal use

Offline rackaholic

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Re: Found a few projects!
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 08:07:32 pm »
YES I'm interested please find out all you can about them and let me know. Thanks  you can email me with what you find out.

Offline groomerguyNWO

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Re: Found a few projects!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2007, 08:11:49 am »
I'll try to find out what I can about them.  It'll take some time.  So please be patient.  I'm going back that way in two weeks to the city.  If I remember, I'll bring my camera and take some pics and try to find out who owns them and if they would be willing to sell/give etc...

For now, this is the best pics I've got of them.
operate a Lamtrac and a BR160 trail groomer
Looking for my own cat sometime in the not to distant future for personal use

Offline groomerguyNWO

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Re: Found a few projects!
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2007, 09:47:36 pm »
Finally had the chance to take some pics for you guys.  I slo talked to the owner's son and they  would be willing to sell but they want to keep the narrow guage as it is apprantly still running.

The wooden bodied one I mentioned

The other three, apparently, the narrow guage in the middle still runs so they want to keep it.

operate a Lamtrac and a BR160 trail groomer
Looking for my own cat sometime in the not to distant future for personal use

Offline groomerguyNWO

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operate a Lamtrac and a BR160 trail groomer
Looking for my own cat sometime in the not to distant future for personal use