Author Topic: Hollywood Movies with B12's featured  (Read 9150 times)

Offline B_Skurka

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Hollywood Movies with B12's featured
« on: April 02, 2007, 11:27:04 am »
Quite a while ago I started a thread over at the Snowcat Forums at the ForumsForums where I typically hang out.  The thread was all about SNOWCATS IN MOVIES & ON TV

At the time I started it, I knew about a couple Thiokol snowcats that were used as props, the most notable being the Chariot on the campy Sci-Fi show LOST IN SPACE.  My Snow Trac was on British TV's Salvage Squad show where it was partially restored from a heap to a working machine.  But since then other people have contributed to the thread, and I've also been sent "leads" about other machines that I've tracked down.

I found 2 movies where Bombardier B12's (I think they are B12s) were featured in some scenes.  One is a movie I have never seen, called The Billion Dollar Brain.  The other is a movie that has been made several times but only one version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about the adventures of Professor Challenger was turned into a movie titled THE LOST WORLD that featured a fully loaded down B12.  Some of the posts in the thread have photos clipped out of the movies, some do not.  Fortunately both of the movies that show Bombardier B12s have several images of each machine in action.

Here is a link to the thread:

If you know of any more, please let me know, or better yet, please post the details yourself. 
(PS you must register to see the images and post new materials, but I think there are already many members here who are members of both forums)

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