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Door Handles
Thank you for your help and replies. Our bus has a mixture of homemade door handles and one possible stock operator. The stock handle is flush on the out side and has the standard chain on the inside. I have been seaching for a close replacement to buy but no luck so far. The pictures of the "strech bomb's" that Sportsmans Resort owns have the handles I would like to find. Those modified rigs were built at the lake of the woods marine so I will try there also. What have you guys done for body parts, handles and hindges? Thanks for the advise, Bob
Redranger if I'm not mistaken we are nieghbors :o I have seen your machines as I drive home you also race stock cars.I 'll stop bye this weekend(that is if you don't mind) let me know. Jason
Jason, you have mail
Swamp Dawg:
I think Fort Gary Industries in Saskatoon would carry those paddle style handles. Or any truck shop for that matter.
the old trucker:
maybe the door handle from a kenworth truck can work. it is flush mount on the outside.
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