Northern Tracks Forum

General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: B_Skurka on February 21, 2007, 04:44:39 pm

Title: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 21, 2007, 04:44:39 pm
I have been working on Wikipedia to develop some various articles on different brands of snowcats.  If you are not familiar with Wikipedia, it is a world wide free on-line encyclopedia that uses volunteer contributions for topics.  If you guys could give me some input and perhaps offer some advice I would really appreciate it.

Please look at the following Wikipedia links and help me out with specific advice if you can.

Wikipedia Tucker Sno-Cat article:
(I just started this article)

Wikipedia Kristi Snowcat article:
(I'm pretty much have this one finished???)

Wikipedia Snow-Trac article:
(I'm going to add a couple more photos, but I think the content is pretty much done)

Wikipedia Bombardier article:
(I have a lot of work to do to on snowcat content with this article, also I could use some photos of some old Bombardiers if any of you would like to contribute a good image or two and give me permission to use it on Wikipedia)

At some point I will also be working on Thiokol/LMC/DMC snowcats for Wikipedia but have not begun that project yet.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 22, 2007, 06:26:32 pm
Can't anyone help with this project?

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: Skenman on February 22, 2007, 07:47:19 pm
B Skurka
I've got lots of re-build.
complete Jpegs, whats your email and I can send you a few.

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 22, 2007, 09:14:54 pm
Skenman, I sent you an email with some information.  Thanks for helping with this!
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 23, 2007, 06:26:20 am
Go look at Wikipedia now!!!

There are now 3 photos uploaded to Wikipedia.  I would love to see a  good action shot, and a good view of the right side of the machines loaded up there too.  Maybe even a rear view?  If anyone can provide those it would be great.  Please also provide the year, model number, and any other information (wide, narrow, etc).

Special thanks to Averyman & Skenman for use of their photos!

I also posted up a couple Bombardier B100+ images that are from a member at my discussion pages.  But if you guys could provide me a bit more information about the body styles (I know about the B12 and the C18, but what is an R18?) and the wide/narrow gauges, the total number of units made (I think it is over 3000) the years of production, etc. then I can post all that information up there too.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: rackaholic on February 23, 2007, 08:37:28 pm
When I get back to the lake I will take some pictures there must be a dozen or so on the lake every day.I will try to take small video on my phone and then you may have to help me upload them.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 24, 2007, 07:55:47 am
Also take a look at 2 more pages on Wilipedia.  ;D

Snow coach =
Snowmobile =

Averyman's B12 is pictured on both of those pages.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: Swamp Dawg on February 24, 2007, 03:55:07 pm
Looks good, you sure do help out Wikipedia and people in general, by contributing all this Knowledge and pictures.  Like you say, we track vehicle lovers are a rare breed and there is lots out there that need info, just have to find it.  I hope this Bombardier forum will grow into a busy site someday. 
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on February 24, 2007, 08:56:40 pm
I hope this Bombardier forum will grow into a busy site someday. 

When I got involved with my Snow Trac what I found was that there is a lot of information, but very little of it is easy to find.  So I set a goal to find Snow Trac owners, and gather the information and then put it into a format that could be easily shared.  What I found along the way is that there are a lot of snowcat owners representing a lot of different brands that had the same needs that I had.  While I love my little Snow Trac, I consider snowcats in general to be my hobby.  I enjoy helping anyone who has the same interest, sharing information and promoting other sites. 

To make this site grow what you need to do is find members.  Like you my site started out as a single brand site but that changed over time, and it has had both drawbacks & benefits.  One thing that I'd like to suggest is that you cannot wait for people to find you, you have to do things to attract members.

The Wikipedia concept is a win-win concept because it helps Wikipedia + it helps people find you.

You might want to work with parts dealers and ask them to direct people to your site as well.  That is another win-win concept.  The dealers benefit because they sell parts to people and your site provides the dealership's customers support for repairs. 

Think unconventionally and focus on having fun.  That is what we are all here for and that is why we go play in the snow.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on March 03, 2007, 11:12:09 am
Well I have run into a snag.  Wikipedia won't let the photos stay up on their website if they have the URL to on the images  :(  I've got the same problem with several other pages that I built for other brands (Thiokol, LMC, Sno-Cat, Snow Trac & Kristi) so I have been slowly editing out the words, but I'm dragging my feet and only altering a couple images a day so they are up there as long as possible  ;D

Still, there are cross links they do allow and that will raise awareness, and they are helping to preserve the history, so that is all good stuff.  One setback, but still we got some benefit.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: Swamp Dawg on March 03, 2007, 03:40:42 pm
Thats pretty crappy of wikipedia to do that.  Oh well at least you tried, thank you for that.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on March 03, 2007, 03:59:57 pm
Thats pretty crappy of wikipedia to do that.  Oh well at least you tried, thank you for that.
I agree it is a crappy policy.

I did put in a link to discussion forum page and they removed that one.  So now I have a link to one of the other pages (where people can easily find the discussion pages) and so far that link is still in place.

They seem to be very picky about what they allow and they draw a strange/fine line about what they don't allow.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on March 07, 2007, 03:45:21 pm
Thats pretty crappy of wikipedia to do that.  Oh well at least you tried, thank you for that.

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I figured out a way around it!
Plus there are 2 different Bombardier pages on Wikipedia.

Both have information that has overlapping information but each center on different areas of the company.  I linked one of the Bombardier pages to the Northern Tracks History page and that page is acceptable to Wikipedia.  Obviously there is a link from the History page to this discussion area.  I also linked the other Bombardier page to the home page of Northern Tracks and that one is acceptable.  So my problem was that I linked directly to the discussion area, which Wikipedia does not allow.

Bombardier Recreational Products Division Page

Bombardier Corporate Page
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: Swamp Dawg on March 07, 2007, 05:30:34 pm
Nice work !
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on March 07, 2007, 05:42:10 pm
Nice work !

I could really use a couple old Ski-Doo photos if some of you have any photos of an older Ski Doo Elan or similar late 60's early 70's sled some of the classic sleds would be great additions to the Wiki pages.
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: houlio on March 21, 2007, 08:55:13 am
Are you still looking for some pictures for your website?  I put some pictures together on a website of the build project we did on a 1949 Bombardier.  If you want to use any of them let me know and I could email them to you.  The site is not real user friendly, but if you click on the pictures or the small icons in the top left you should be able to look around.

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: Averyman on March 21, 2007, 10:40:35 am
Hi :
I have a 1951 machine that looks identical to yours. I was close to St. Brieux a couple of days ago, wish I knew about you then...
Clarence, Brandon, Mb
Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: B_Skurka on March 21, 2007, 11:31:24 am
Are you still looking for some pictures for your website?  I put some pictures together on a website of the build project we did on a 1949 Bombardier.  If you want to use any of them let me know and I could email them to you.  The site is not real user friendly, but if you click on the pictures or the small icons in the top left you should be able to look around.

Wow you have some great photos.  I used 3 of your photos and stitched them together into one big photo, resized it and then posted it on Wikipedia for you. 

BTW, great looking machine!

Take a look at this link:

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: houlio on March 21, 2007, 03:06:31 pm
Clarence (Brandon)
You must have been lost if you were from Brandon travelling by here!  Ha Ha      Let me know if you're close to St. Brieux again.

Do you have problems with the front window fogging up?  Or is there a solution?

Thanks for the link B_Skurka, they look awesome.  We had a hard time finding information when we worked on ours, so I don't mind sharing information when possible.

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: houlio on June 12, 2008, 05:52:24 pm
Shouldn't be a problem, I don't mind sharing info an pictures.  It is tucked away right now, but we'll have it pulled out again this fall. 

Are you still looking for more pics for Wikipedia?

Title: Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
Post by: the old trucker on May 27, 2009, 04:38:33 am
Are you still looking for some pictures for your website?  I put some pictures together on a website of the build project we did on a 1949 Bombardier.  If you want to use any of them let me know and I could email them to you.  The site is not real user friendly, but if you click on the pictures or the small icons in the top left you should be able to look around.

  oldsledz I guess you have been looking at this post on here. I have learned a lot about how these woodys are built from the pictures.