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Messages - Skenman

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS Please sign in.
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:22:26 pm »
Ken Potratz
Cochin, Saskatchewan
Oilfield Worker
Rebuilt a 62 wide gauge to a resto-mod cruiser   

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: Varnished Machine--
« on: November 30, 2009, 03:58:25 pm »
nice work,, where did you get door skins from, did you make them, or Shavers?


For Sale - Vehicles / J5
« on: November 21, 2009, 07:41:55 am »
1958 J5 on Saskatoon Kijiji

V8 Engines / Re: 318 Modifications
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:53:19 pm »
I have a bookmarked site for the Poly 318,, we have 313 in Canada apparently.

If that doesnt work , send me ur email and Ill send a link.

Drivetrain / Check wheel bearings
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:16:41 pm »
Hi All:
Im going to put a 4" channel iron staddle the frame
between the 3rd and 4th tires, jack it up and than start pulling on
the wheels to check the play... if some,, tighten the jamb nut so a little resistance is felt. and than put back on cap and a few grease shots..
Correct ??????

Drivetrain / Re: Bearings & Seals for B-12 wheels
« on: November 30, 2008, 09:30:20 am »
My notes , I used a 15118 & 15250 timkin.
the front swing arms I have 25580 & 25520

your wheels seals must be cr. 134865..or  13865.
I found a National Seal 471835 which are much heartier.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: Engine Cubby Cooling
« on: March 29, 2008, 06:15:08 pm »
Its a current model vehicle fan, not sure, got off shelf in salvage.
Bingo, lookin back at my original post, saying to use a marine blower
I had forgot.. but
I really want someone to try this,,  thinkin that it will work better and
save battery power, specially if you only run 1 battery.

I would tie the suction hose to the tub cellar.,  mount the fan coupling
where the old battery location was, and that would be it.

Quieter, less amps. and could run at all times,, enhancing the cold air draw
through the rad and also removal of extra hidden carbon monoxide in the engine tub.

General Discussion / Re: Speedometer
« on: February 02, 2008, 08:17:14 am »
Swamp Dawg

I constructed a new dash and had installed a 4" face tach c/w hr. meter instead of the speedo, also,a gps will give you a speed indication and  taken us home through blizzards on the lake.

62 Wide


Drivetrain / Re: Track Tension
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:18:46 pm »
My 62, has 2 - 3/4 lag bolts , one each side at back. There is always tension on them. I'm thinking that i would put a bathroom scale ( The wife's,, that she never uses !! ) between the 2 and 3rd wheel. Put a bottle jack on top of the scale, and jack up, measure and compair to other side..,.

Drivetrain / Re: rear Suspension
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:58:22 pm »
I have never seen needle bearings.
I ve seen ball bearing & race 3 sizes. that will do
everything that pivots from wheel bearings to link arms
and front swingarms that were in mine.

62 wide gauge

Drivetrain / Track Tension
« on: November 24, 2007, 02:00:59 pm »
Just wonering how or what is the
best way to get them set up equal.
I know that the tension adjusters bolts are not in synk, so can't measure them to be equal .
So would you use a fish weight scale, say in the middle of the 2nd wheel or something, and pull up to get 4 " ??At 25 pounds ?

62 wide gauge

General Discussion / Re: New guy asks about prices
« on: November 24, 2007, 01:53:14 pm »

I bought mine for 10,000,very, very rough shape., never been touched,original, 313 wide block.
spent 20,000 plus about 650 hrs to get it right. Ran out of $
and the old ladys credit on her visa.
All I need now is to do the body and paint. Tremclad will
do for now.

62wide gauge

Metal Bombardiers / Engine Cubby Cooling
« on: February 24, 2007, 08:27:36 pm »
I have installed a 12v radiator push/pull fan on the drivers
engine door. I run it off a tobble switch, to take extra air cooling on hot days
+ engine / cabin fumes away. It is working very well.

My after thought was maybe installing a 4" Marine engine blower
to look after same,, with much less amp draw,, 

62 wide

General Discussion / Re: Wikipedia Snowcat Pages
« on: February 22, 2007, 07:47:19 pm »
B Skurka
I've got lots of re-build.
complete Jpegs, whats your email and I can send you a few.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: Pictures of Skenman's Bombardier
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:57:34 am »
I took some measurements and gave them to an outfit to custom make.
in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. It was about $500 , all mounts are double / triple
re-paded where the bolts go, also inside baffled for no slosh. I ran ss316 tubing to elec. fuel pump, than off to carb.and drilled installed napa fuel sender.
no rust, filters plugging, no elevated / cooling temperatures on the fuel= deicer & vapour locking. Better cooling for engine compartment, can remove cabin fuel tanks and re-locate batterys. no fuel spill in engine comparment. Freed room in engine
compartment could be used to mount a small tool box etc.
cannot close snow door infront of rad. although the only time this is a
con , is when u get 1 foot of snow filling in the opening. other than that the rad keeps snow melted off even when going through powder. A person could make
a snap on cover to aleviate that problem if you want.



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