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Messages - cletus

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General Discussion / Re: Swamp Dog and Cletus are down
« on: March 03, 2011, 08:28:03 pm »
 Ford 300 six back in the Bombardier.

We had to take our Ford 300 out to the automotive machine shop to have the cylinder head reworked and the number 1 piston replaced. It has been determined that a foreign piece of metal got into no 1 cylinder and did some damage.
 Since we have had heating issues in the past we had the rad cleaned, purchased a new 6 blade fan from a Ford 300 Industrial power unit and we are now fabricating a fan shroud to optimize air flow from the radiator.
We hope this will help with our operational performance going forward.

General Discussion / Re: WHEELS
« on: March 03, 2011, 07:51:05 pm »
Hello Bob
Do you have a parts book for your machine that shows the wheel and rotating components.
If you do not we can scan a page and send it to you. How are things up in the far North this winter.


General Discussion / Re: Swamp Dog and Cletus are down
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:57:58 am »
We finally got time to pull our Ford 300 six out to see whats wrong with it.

It looks like something got up into the combustion chamber and hammered up the piston and head. We found a couple of pieces of steel that look like ring material but at this time do not know how the ring could have come up past the top edge of the piston. The good news is that the cylinder walls look good. Since there is only 88 hours on this engine since it had a complete rebuild we will install 1 new piston and a new head. We have often had cooling issued on a long run bucking deep snow and yes we have got it hot a few times.Ted and Bob suggested a thicker rad and a better fan.

Ray & Paul

Metal Bombardiers / Re: KYLE"S 54 REBUILD
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:32:05 am »

Thanks for the lead on the fan.
I looked up the Flex-a-lite Model you indicated and it looks like something one should use. Do you use any kind of shroud on your machine. Cranman pointed out that we should look at going to a 6 core radiator. Once we pull our failed engine it will give us a chance to measure things up to fit in these 2 items.
Thank you for the help.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: KYLE"S 54 REBUILD
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:21:58 pm »
What are you using for a fan on this Ford 300 engine.

We could not seem to fine just the right fan when we did our rebuild which may be causing us some problems.
Any comments on the best fan would be welcome. I wonder if any one is running a fan shroud on the narrow guage machines. The say the performance of the fan is optimized by using a shroud.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: KYLE"S 54 REBUILD
« on: December 30, 2010, 08:04:14 pm »
Hello Kyle
How is the Narrow Bombardier rebuild coming along.It looks like your helper is no green horn around Bombardiers.
Between the two of you fellows we would expect to see a rebuild that is better than it was from the factory.
No our 1974 is not for sale,we hope to give it the big rebuild when we can get at it. We would like to do much like has been done to your recent purchase.
Our 74 is a low mileage machine that has sat a lot in the weather.
We are trying to get our 1952 in to the shop to service up to get ready to go to our north cabin. When we started it this year it seams to have a stuck valve lifter. What causes this in a low hour rebuild. I think there is only 100 plus hours since a full rebuild on the Ford 300.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: Bombardier R60 and R61?
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:57:24 pm »
Hello Antti
We would like to welcome you to the Northern Tracks forum.
It is very interesting to hear from folks from other countries. I hope you can obtain a Bombardier and enjoy it. I do not know the answers to you questions however someone should be able to come up with the required information.
We recently dealt with a customer that owned 2 Bombardier Muskeg tractors in Sweden. He advised us there was an importer for Bombardier machines at one time in Sweden. The serial number plates on these machines appear to be Swedish as well. Do you think they imported a number of Bombardier snow buses as well and sold them through out Scandinavia.
Most recently we have dealt with a company from Sodankyla FI. This gave us reason to study maps of Finland and read some history on the country as well.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year


Metal Bombardiers / Re: KYLE"S 54 REBUILD
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:22:33 pm »
Hello Kyle

Now that is a very nice wide guage you have now. This is a machine that is ready for the trail.
What mods have been done to this engine.
We would like to start planning what we would like to do to the engine in our 1974 when we go to rebuild it.
Any comment would be welcome.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: 51 R18 Rebuild
« on: December 02, 2010, 07:52:29 am »
Hello Dave
 I would like to comment on your recent rebuild of the 1951 Bombardier.
You took a sad looking machine and gave it a whole new life. You are a man that looks to have the ability to restore very well and at the same time you have implemented some very nice ideas that make the machine more functional. Very nice work!.I am curious what you did for a speedometer. May be you will come up to Cranberry Portage with your machine this coming winter and will will have the opportunity to meet you and your machine.



Transmissions / Re: How not to kill a transmission
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:08:35 pm »
Now there is some mighty fine salvage pictures.
It looks like you fellows are getting good at getting them up and out of the water. What was the cause these machines to break through on a good sized lake that you are on. I hope you were no too long getting them up and going again.


Drivetrain / Re: Disc Brake Install /w pictures
« on: April 01, 2010, 08:10:24 pm »
When you go looking for a disc brake parts try get a caliper unit that bolts on rather than a lot fit into a wheel housing slide.
Secondly try to get a small diameter rotor with the right kind of center. You want the rotor close to the differential to facilitate mounting and operating the caliper. I can get you the part no. of the caliper that I have used and I think I went with a Ford Festiva rotor. I will send you a picture of a master cylinder that mounts to your existing under the floor linkage. We used a master cylinder with the pedal mounted like in a car for our machine. I will look for more information for you.
Bye the way that is a very fine lokking build you have on the go. Keep up the good work and you willl be the proud owner on a Classic Wooody


Drivetrain / Re: Disc Brake Install /w pictures
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:58:57 pm »
I will be away on a Bombardier trip for a while.When I return I will give you all the information that is available.It sounds like your rebuild is coming along very nice.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: Amp Tramp's Custom bombardier
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:37:30 pm »
Your machine looks nice.I have always wondered if the frame will give any trouble once the top arch structure is cut off.Possibly your new tubing framework will keep the machine good and solid.And by the way Bob how many kilowatt light plant do you have inside the machine to run all the lighting you have. Meeting you at night must be like driving into a setting sun.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: New Member
« on: March 01, 2009, 08:30:16 pm »
I checked out the manufactures tag on our 1974 or 75 machine
 Model      SNOW 75
 Chassis    AA6223V
 Motor      E264058
Our machine looks very much like yours.I am interested to know what system Bombardier used in creating the Model number in that build era.
I hope some one can shed some light on this issue as well.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: New Member
« on: February 28, 2009, 03:05:04 pm »
Welcome to our web site Bob.
I am not up on the original identification numbers that Bombardier used.Do you have more info like the date of manufacture ,guage and type of body construction.If you have a picture we will post it for you.If some of the fellows see a picture I am sure it will assist in helping you.


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