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Messages - BIGDAVE

Pages: [1] 2 3
Drivetrain / Re: wheel seals
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:51:59 pm »
On '48 woody B12 ..........National 471835

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: April 12, 2010, 08:14:30 pm »
Jocko, I'm back in town.  Got starter back and running. $335  Took track off and will replace the back tire tube. Pic on Photobucket. Still have your info from show.  BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:29:39 pm »
Posted  pics of Jeff's machine at Blue Moon show and ride. Then it went into garage with snowmobile projects.  Snow is going fast.  Haven't heard from starter rebuilder.  Will try to keep eye on NT while on the road for a month.  Thank you everyone!!!  BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:14:52 am »
Thanks, KPM.  Looks like nothing will happen with tires til I get back from down south.  The starter was pronounced dead and the armiture was sent out for rewind. Today the B12 will be shown at another vintage snowmobile show/ride on the trailer, then go into storage for awhile.  It has been doing a few miles on the trailer.  It has been an attention getter at our show.  Some day I'll return it to Jeff.  This season is about shot.  By the time Jeff gets it back, everyone will have seen it already!!!!!!!!  He'll get comments like "Oh, is that BIGDAVE's?"  Actually, it is shown under Jeff's name and only a few people know that I occasionally call it mine! BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:47:25 pm »
Pulled out the starter today.  It was seized up.  Took to rebuild shop. The guy kinda says "what's this"? I told him 48 Dodge truck and he gave me a stare. So I said but it's in 48 Bombardier. His expression changed and he said "oh, the one parked downtown?  I used to see those on the river!  I rode in one once!!"  Haven't changed flat yet, but it is still on trailer.  Jim said "hit it with a 4X4" or something like that. Funny thing is that I had been considering hitting it with a 2X4 when it misbehaves.  But I think he meant to remove the track.   Hope to have it going before I head south.   Been having fun showing BIG BOMB!!!  BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:21:44 pm »
Bad day for BIGDAVE.  Getting ready for groomer show yesterday, putting on mirrors, etc.  Friend noticed a flat tire in the back.  It is the one I had moved from #3 position to back because it looked better but the valve stem is worse!  So there she sits on the trailer at the groomer show. pics on photobucket.  BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:57:50 am »
Added more pics and video. Recovered both sprockets and replaced all wheel bearings on right side.  Finally got it out of the garage and went for a ride. Still looking at track adjustment.  Got mirrors from Jeff.  Will take to our vintage snowmobile show this week and display on trailer.  Friday is the big trail groomer demo and the B12 will be there and cruising around. Inquired at belt place about making belts, no reply yet.  BIGDAVE

Trail Talk / Re: Just starting to have fun too
« on: February 21, 2010, 06:00:15 pm »
I was about to ask what happens when a track breaks.  I was expecting to see more damage.

Drivetrain / Re: sprockets and cleat spacing
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:08:24 am »
Now that sounds like a good job for Jeff in his spare time, besides, I don't speak French.  I can't even oreder a beer in French.  Molson? LaBatts?  Beer, eh? please

Trail Talk / Re: 2010 Bombardier Festival from Quebec
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:55:59 am »
Love those pictures!!  Went to youtube, too.  BIGDAVE

Drivetrain / Re: sprockets and cleat spacing
« on: February 18, 2010, 08:46:54 pm »
The track belts look to be about 5 1/2 to 3/4 wide and about .55in thick.x270in long.  When I get serious about talking to belt builders, I will need exact specs for them, or at least good enough measures.  Maybe they will even punch holes.  $700 per belt newat Bombardier!  Maybe belt guys can make a 24in for $700 and cut it into strips.  The sprocket cover came from the local hardware.  It is not quite 1/2in.

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: BIGDAVE & JEFF'S 48' REBUILD
« on: February 18, 2010, 05:43:35 pm »
WOW!! Now I don't have anything to say.  Have been looking for info on making some track belts.  We have several conveyor belt places near the mining area.  The Bombardier place  quoted $700 per belt, $20 per cleat.  BIGDAVE

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: Varnished Machine--
« on: February 18, 2010, 08:29:39 am »
Jeff say its about time to start BIGDAVE'S Rebuild thread and get off of Oldsledz space.  OT can do that!!!  Thanks,  BIGDAVE and Jeff

Wooden Bombardiers / Re: OT'S 47-51 ??? Rebuild ??
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:15:35 am »
OT, it's 2am!  You think I'm going out in my long johns and get a pic of the window??  You're lucky it not colder than +10 or I'd have to find a hat! Besides, my cute little model isn't here.  But what the heck, find pics on photobuckette soon.  BIGDAVE  ps I am going to need brief history of these Bombers for show.  Where to find?

Drivetrain / Re: sprockets and cleat spacing
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:42:31 pm »
One thing I will find out, I cut the sprocket covering 3 inches wide.  Maybe should be a little narrower?  BIGDAVE

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