« on: October 03, 2008, 08:22:34 pm »
Old Trucker !! The sno-bears are cool, ive seen several demos, ground speed is good, ride is decent for such a short "wheelbase". Pretty spendy. Thanks for all of your support to this site. I don't get to spend enough time on this site as I would like but your efforts to help us are appreciated. We(my fishing buddy and I ) are pulling our bomb in to start a rebuild, or as much as we can get done before December. New transmission, we have a manual now and for pulling fish houses an auto is a must. Rework a very old and tired wiring harrness, and hope fully some body work and paint. One of our big hurdles has been new door hardware as you know, being a trucker do you think something for a semi truck tractor would work? I have at least a name for the style operators that I think will work,(paddle locks) we want it to be a thin install 1" probably alittle more, but most of the operators I've come across only open from the outside. I have not spent much time in the cab of a semi but I know the doors appear to be flat and thin. I would appreciate any advise you have.
Thanks, Bob