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Drivetrain / Re: Only One track driving 1963 R12
« Last post by FORD F-150 on April 01, 2022, 06:43:57 pm »
The diff may be an open diff, which is a problem with getting stuck. Another thing to look for is the diff movement from shifting into gear from foreword to reverse and vise versa. If that's the case, your ubolts for the diff may be worn out, hope this helps
Drivetrain / Only One track driving 1963 R12
« Last post by Snowbusman on April 01, 2022, 03:22:45 pm »
Thge other day The R/H track started to spin on ice when we were loading the machine onto our trailer. Today taking he machine off the trailer and putting it in the garage , it sounded like it was slipping again. R/H side, so I got out to check it. The R/H track had jumped off. The rubber drive sprocket turns all directions. It should be locked up?Correct?????? This is all new to me. I am wondering if I broke an axel??
Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Bob
Metal Bombardiers / Re: Aluminum Bombadier Build
« Last post by NDFARMER on January 07, 2022, 09:24:36 am »
Well mine is up at Kents right now to get the aluminum treatment done to it. KK
General Discussion / BRASS ID TAG
« Last post by NDFARMER on November 27, 2021, 11:35:02 am »
Does anyone have a spare ID tag around so I could get one made. mine was missing but it had a blank 1962 ski doo tag on it its a C18  1950 model, Thanks Kelly
Wanted / Re: Kicking tires
« Last post by Rainyriverjoe on August 01, 2021, 01:11:03 am »
Oh, heck.  I've been meaning to get on here and line up a meet with you.

Well, thanks for giving me the chance,  just wasn't the right time I guess.

Good luck with the rebuild.

General Electrical / Distributor
« Last post by FORD F-150 on April 29, 2021, 10:30:34 am »
Has anyone ever fiddled with distributor springs? Have a proform hei distributor and runs fine warming up but once warmed up, seems to lack power even with distributor adjusted and can't seem to fine tune. I've looked up advance curve kit with weights and springs, would they be of any help? Anyone ever gone thru something like this?
General Discussion / 1975 bombardier r18 wide gauge in action
« Last post by FORD F-150 on March 22, 2021, 09:12:58 pm »
Here is a video on YouTube I had posted of my bombardier for those who like videos as I do 😜
For Sale - Vehicles / 1967 wide gauge bombardier
« Last post by FORD F-150 on March 22, 2021, 04:10:49 pm »
Drivetrain / Re: what gear ratio to go with?
« Last post by FORD F-150 on March 05, 2021, 11:57:30 am »
Has anyone ever gone with a 3.73 ratio? I found a full float Dana 60 at the dumps and the ratio is a 3.73. I am thinking it would be great in 1st and 2nd gear but I am no expert in differentials, just trying to get some input from people who has been there and done that.
For Sale - Parts / Parts price list for bombardier
« Last post by FORD F-150 on March 03, 2021, 06:56:36 pm »
Here is a scanned copy of the parts price list from Shavers.

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