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Metal Bombardiers / Re: Shock Absorbers
« Last post by kenworth on January 14, 2021, 09:02:04 pm »
5752 ST
For Sale - Parts / Spot Lights for sale : Roof mounted
« Last post by bluetoque on December 27, 2020, 05:15:22 pm »
As removed from 1948 woodies. 6 volt available on request.
V8 Engines / V8 exhaust
« Last post by FORD F-150 on December 25, 2020, 12:05:19 pm »
Does anyone have pictures of their exhaust systems on their bombardiers. I've seen a few different set ups and would like to see your exhaust system. I know the ones with exhaust going out the back of the machine tend to have a flex pipe added in.
General Discussion / Re: Bombardier Enthusiasts
« Last post by FORD F-150 on December 25, 2020, 11:49:55 am »
Merry Christmas to you all bombardier lovers. bombardier
General Discussion / Re: Bombardier Enthusiasts
« Last post by Snowbusman on December 24, 2020, 01:00:12 pm »
And the same to you and other members
General Discussion / Bombardier Enthusiasts
« Last post by viking on December 24, 2020, 12:49:54 pm »
Merry Christmas!!!!
General Discussion / Re: Radiator
« Last post by viking on December 16, 2020, 12:41:59 am »
Hi Dave,

I was certain it was you that had installed one. This is good subject matter for the owners following N.T. My neighbour purchased a Narrow Gauge recently, powered by a 250 Chevy six. Some rad issues in the beginning. I'll let him know that you posted some solid info. Thanks
General Discussion / Re: Radiator
« Last post by dpaulson on December 15, 2020, 07:24:32 pm »
Years ago I did.  I put in a 4 row, I think that it was good for 800HP.  No problems whatsoever.  It needed a little bit of modification to mount.  I also put in a small  overflow tank.  Make sure you have the correct psi rad cap for your motor.  The older engines 15 psi is too much.
General Discussion / Radiator
« Last post by viking on December 15, 2020, 05:54:29 pm »
Has anyone updated their Bombardier with an aluminium radiator ?
General Discussion / Re: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS Please sign in.
« Last post by TSJ on November 19, 2020, 06:14:47 pm »
Ty St. John
Prince Township, Northern Ontario

I’ve been fiddling with cats for a few years now and just added a B12 to our arsenal.
Other machines include a JW67, and mid 70’s SW48 which I’ve added a blower to, And an early 60’s Muskeg tractor.
Just picked up a very rough B12, unsure of the year,
But looking forward to getting it going!

Thanks all!

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