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Wanted / Re: Kicking tires
« Last post by NDFARMER on February 29, 2020, 01:12:25 pm »
The info I got from Guy Pepin is 1950 C18 its a narrow woody with original engine, wood was covered with travel trailer tin from the guy I bought it from. Most likely that is what saved most of the wood. spent all of its life in N West ND
Wanted / Re: Kicking tires
« Last post by NDFARMER on February 29, 2020, 12:58:02 pm »
PM me your email and ill send them. KK
For Sale - Vehicles / 1949 B12 narrow woody
« Last post by FORD F-150 on February 27, 2020, 06:46:45 pm »
For Sale - Vehicles / 1947 B12 narrow woody
« Last post by FORD F-150 on February 27, 2020, 06:45:36 pm »
For Sale - Vehicles / 1948 wide gauge woody
« Last post by FORD F-150 on February 27, 2020, 06:44:29 pm »

Here is an ad for a wide gauge wooden bombardier for sale in Ontario
General Discussion / Re: Trying to look at pictures
« Last post by dpaulson on February 27, 2020, 06:43:36 am »
It is a photobucket thing.  They started a subscription service and watermark  and blurr everyone's photos unless they pay the subscription.  Every forum that links a photo back to photobucket is blurred.  There is nothing that can be done about  unless everyone that shares pays their subscription.   There are other free photo sharing  sites to use or you can upload photos directly to this forum
General Discussion / Re: Trying to look at pictures
« Last post by Vinnie101 on February 26, 2020, 07:54:14 pm »
I've been following this forum for a while and just joined as a member yesterday and  it's doing the same thing for me pictures I used to look at are now blurry
General Discussion / Trying to look at pictures
« Last post by Rainyriverjoe on February 26, 2020, 07:45:11 pm »
Maybe this has been covered.  I did a few searches but couldn't find any info.
How come when I try to look at any picture they are blurry with a photobucket watermark?
How do I get rid of this?  I don't recall it being this way before.
Sorry if you've covered this already.
Wanted / Re: Kicking tires
« Last post by Rainyriverjoe on February 26, 2020, 06:50:17 pm »
Any pictures?  Price?  Thanks for chiming in.
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